
Deep Breathing to Relieve Stress

Deep breathing is step 1 in managing our stress. Take five or ten minutes once or twice a day to practice the abdominal breathing method below until becomes habitual. Once this breathing becomes routine, it can be used to reverse the stress response whenever it is triggered. Abdominal Breathing Method Sit upright in a comfortable […]

Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

Based on research by psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967, this index scale examines the link between stress and illness. The body is a finely tuned instrument that does not like surprises. Any sudden change in stimuli which affects the body, or the reordering of important routines that the body becomes used to, […]

I Understand Everything

Leo Tolstoy said “All, everything I understand, I understand only because of love.” The goal of listening is to understand what the other person is expressing. Seems like a simple goal, but why is it so difficult? If we listen with love, truly opening ourselves to the message our partner wants us to understand, both […]