
Nothing Magical about January 1

Priscilla Hunt, Certified Relationship Coach for Couples One month into the New Year and it’s time to take stock of where you are in accomplishing your resolutions. Resolutions are simply goals – they can be set at any time. There’s nothing magical about January 1. How about setting a goal or two for your relationship […]

7 Steps to Nailing Your Goals

Priscilla Hunt, Certified Relationship Coach for Couples How about a checkup on your progress on your New Year’s Resolutions? How are you doing? Which can you say: “Nailed it!” “Baby steps.” “What resolutions?” No pressure here – or judgment. It’s simply a question for you to ask yourself. Here are 7 steps to increase the […]

New Year’s Resolutions for Couples

Priscilla Hunt, Certified Relationship Coach for Couples The idea of New Year’s Resolutions for couples isn’t a mystery. We simply take stock of where we are and determine where we want to be. We don’t have to vow to change the world or make a breakthrough discovery or invention. We don’t have to give our […]