
Developing Intimacy

Respond to the following questions individually and then share your responses with your partner. 1. What things am I aware of that make me feel close and intimate with my partner? 2. What things am I aware of that hinder our intimacy? 3. What things am I aware of that are definite barriers to our […]

Intimacy: Shared Privacy

One simple and useful definition of intimacy is “shared privacy”. David Olson, co-founder of Prepare-Enrich, family specialist and member of Better Marriages Advisory Board, has identified seven aspects of marital intimacy. Consider your own relationship and score each area from 1-5, (5 being the highest) representing where you think you are right now in each […]

Intimacy: Where Are We?

These questions will explore the degree of intimacy you experience in your relationship and identify where you would like to grow. Read the statements individually and then share your responses with your partner and discuss together. Elaborate on each of these ten affirmations giving examples of when you experienced these feelings or what behaviors by […]