
Financial Goal Setting With Your Spouse

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Patty Moore of Working Mother Life. For many couples, money is a major source of tension within a relationship. In fact, in a 2017 survey, 49 percent of all respondents considered money to be the most critical and stressful factor in their relationship. Undoubtedly, problems with money can cause […]

For the Love of Money: Couples and Finances

By: Barry Steelman, AIF® If you do a simple search on the topic of relationships and finances, you’ll come across countless sobering statistics. For example, you’ll find that money is the primary reason for arguments between couples, with many couples averaging three arguments per month revolving around financial issues. You’ll also learn that 3 in 10 married […]

10 Little Things Connected Couples Do

You agreed to stick it out through sickness and health and for richer or poorer, but marital vows don’t address the other big things that can untie your knot—boredom, feeling out of touch, or worse, platonic friendship instead of an in-love partnership. While honeymoon headiness will inevitably decline, that doesn’t mean your relationship has to take […]