
Married to Jekyll; Betrayed by Hyde

By: Caleb Anderson Caleb developed an opiate addiction after being in a car accident. He’s in recovery today and wants to inspire others to overcome their addictions.  Addiction and relationships Addiction changes people and they often feel and act as though they are two different people inside the same body. About addiction No one uses their […]

Yann Dall’Aglio’s “Love — you’re doing it wrong.”

Dall’Aglio, a French philosopher and author says love is the desire of being desired. But in a world that often favors the self over others, how can people find the tenderness and connection they crave? It may be easier than you think: “For a couple who is no longer sustained, supported by the constraints of […]


By Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott What do you picture when you imagine a happy marriage? Some people think of financial security, a nice house, physical beauty, good health, high-profile careers, a thriving social life, or societal status. Others picture a quiet life, surrounded by comfort, children, and extended family. In reality, a couple’s wellbeing has […]