by Dr. Jackie Black
Faculty member, Online Relationship Academy
What if you have one shot at creating the best relationship ever…
The fact of the matter is that everyone would be much better off if we actually believed that we only had one shot to build the relationship of our dreams.
Too many smart, articulate and successful adults around the world go into relationships without deliberate intention, and with the belief that if it doesn’t work they can break up or get divorced.
That one concept is poison to the entire relationship-building process!
- Decide that divorce is NOT an option.
- Figure out who you are in the deepest recesses of your being.
- Stop acting from fear.
- Stop settling for anything in your relationship just being good enough!
Think of the relationship itself this way: When you and your partner
Join the many facets of your lives together, you create a third energy, the relationship. The relationship lives and breathes as its own entity; an entity that you are entrusted to guard and protect, nurture and care for.
Making and keeping agreements and com-commitments is one of the ways couples make that happen. It is vital that partners know in the deepest part of their being that they can count on the promises and assurances offered by their beloved.
In a long-term, primary, monogamous love relationship make agreements and commitments to each other AND to the relationship. Fanning the flames of romance and intimacy is another way couples keep their relationship strong. And that requires that each of you take responsibility for creating romance and intimacy in your relationship.
Whatever you believe is true, is! Be deliberate. Be intentional. Believe you can have what you want!