What does it mean to be committed to your partner and to your relationship? We might have said the words “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health”. . . but what do those words really mean? And how do they translate into our day-to-day relationship?
This exercise below should provide opportunity for an open and honest dialogue with each other.
Step 1. Below are listed potential areas of commitment in your relationship. Place an “S” by ones you see as strengths and a “G” by ones you see as areas that need growth or improvement. Feel free to add your own. Remember, you are assessing your relationship, not your partner. If your partner’s answers differ from your own, see it as an opportunity for sharing and understanding each other’s point of view better.
Step 2. Share your answers with your partner and discuss any areas you’d like to celebrate and any areas you’d like to set goals for growth. Follow up with setting relationship goals in Step 3 and Step 4 below.
___ Staying together
___ Growing together
___ Forgiving each other
___ Respecting each other
___ Having fun together
___ Expressing physical intimacy
___ Honoring our differences
___ Asking for what we need
___ Being fully present
___ Managing our emotions
___ Fighting fair
___ Choosing each other 1st
___ Showing our love every day
___ Giving each other the benefit of the doubt
___ Balancing together and apart time (giving each other space)
___ Accepting each other as we are
___ Sharing our truth (honesty)
___ Accepting responsibility for our own actions
___ Practicing good communication skills
___ Being responsible with shared finances
___ Choosing not to push each other’s buttons
___ Saying “yes” more often than saying “no”
Step 3. List 3-4 things you are personally willing to do during the next months to grow your relationship. Share your answers with your partner.
Step 4. Together, agree on 3-4 goals for growing your relationship during the next month. Write them below. Sign and date to demonstrate your commitment to reaching these goals.