Archive for 2022

Wisdom and Advice from a 3-year marriage

Michael and Molly got married 3 years ago. They share insights they’ve gained and lessons they’ve learned as newlyweds. They encourage other couples by sharing some of their own experiences and advice. Find more of Michael and Molly in the Close Companions Online Relationship Academy. Highlights of what Michael and Molly shared: Molly Marriage is […]

The 3 Mistakes Couples Make That ALWAYS Result in Mis-Communication

from CoupleGuideTM to Communicating with Confidence by Dr. Jackie Black Many conversations with our partners are emotionally charged. Be careful of these three common mistakes: The most prevalent mistake is that one or both partners comes to the conversation believing that his or her needs won’t be heard, respected, understood, validated or met. One partner […]

Caring for our Couple Relationship: Handling Stress

by Carl and Nancy Terry certified Better Marriages Leader Couple Stress is always present.  But more so now with the COVID-19 virus and less opportunity to socialize and be with family and friends.  There is also more awareness of racial and social injustice and how that has impacted our lives in the past and presently.  […]